Lose weight without dieting: 22 simple but effective ways to lose weight

Nutritionists are repeatedly reminding us that the best diet is correct nutrition. Losing weight without dieting is easier than you think – you can lose weight while eating tasty and satisfying meals. The most important thing is to stick to a healthy diet and make a healthy lifestyle a habit that will become routine such as brushing your teeth in the morning and reading 10 pages of a new book in the evenings.

Ready to start right now? Below are twenty-two tips that will help you lose weight without dieting and with no significant restrictions. It sounds like magic, but, nevertheless, it really works.

Eat slowly

If you are used to gobbling down your dinner, try to slow down, because maybe you are eating more due to the speed at which you eat. As a result, you gain extra pounds, instead of getting rid of them. In the first few weeks the timer on your phone will help: set it for 20 minutes, and make sure that the meal takes all this time. Distract yourself but taking sips of water, and thoroughly chewing every bit.

Get enough sleep

The WebMD portal quotes a researcher from the University of Michigan, who admitted that an extra hour of sleep every day helped him to lose 7 kilograms per year. This scenario shows that when you do not get enough sleep, cognitive processes slow down, and the brain loses the ability to promptly send out signals about hunger and satiety.

Consume more vegetables

Try to eat them fresh or cooked on the grill (vegetables that are better fried- read here), vegetables should always be part of your meal. In addition to obvious advantages, they help visually increase the size of the dish, so you do not really think that you didn’t eat enough. Add to this the high water content, which will help maintain optimal hydration and significantly improve the condition of your skin. Helpful advice: prepare vegetables without butter, and season with lemon juice and fresh herbs.

Do not forget about soup

Add chicken broth or light vegetable soup to the menu, and you will not notice how the extra pounds will leave you forever. Soup is especially useful at the beginning of food intake, as it slows down digestion, restrains appetite and prevents you from snacking on harmful snacks. Among other things, if you get sick, broth is strategically important for faster recovery and relief of cold symptoms. But beware of creamy soups, which can have a high content of fat and calories.

Rely on whole grains

Whole grains such as brown rice, barley, oats, buckwheat and wheat leave you feeling full after consuming few calories, and at the same time reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. But, most pleasantly, whole grains are now used to make very tasty products. For example, wafers and muffins, the bases for pizza and pasta, as well as “white” bread from whole wheat. The main thing is to carefully study the information on the packaging.

Get rid of the bacon

Don’t add bacon to your morning scrambled eggs or to your turkey and bacon sandwich for lunch – this will save you around 100 calories. It seems very little, but in a week you will get rid of the extra 700 calories, or 1500 calories for two, which is comparable to a small cake with berries. Also, in order to make a dish more flavoursome with fewer calories, add tomatoes, granular mustard or soft cheese with fresh herbs.

Modify your favourite dishes

Do you like pizza? There is no reason to refuse it! Just go for a different option: ask to cook pizza on a thin dough, using olive oil and low-fat cheese. It is unlikely that the pizzeria will refuse to fulfill the order, but if they do, keep in mind that today the consumer can and should choose from a huge number of producers. So, perhaps it’s time to find a new place, which you can call “your usual”.

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Reduce the amount of sugar

Replace one sweet drink (for example, a glass of soda with plain water), and you will reduce your sugar intake by 10 tablespoons. Impressive isn’t it? And if you add lemon, mint or frozen strawberries to water, the flavour will be even better, and you will get even more pleasure from drinking it than from your usual Coke. What are the dangers of sweet fizzy drinks? First of all, our bodies do not consider liquid sugar as a full-fledged meal. So with one bottle you can get up to 450 calories, which will go unnoticed. Interestingly, according to research, those who crave sweet things in the form of sweets or chocolate instead of fizzy drinks gain less weight on average.

Use a tall and narrow glass

Another life hack from dieticians – replace your usual glass with a tall and narrow one, and your weight will decrease without dieting. This is because you will drink 25-30% less juice, soda, wine or any other drink. How does it work? Brian Wansink, Ph.D., Cornell University, explains that visual deception can reconfigure the brain. The texts showed that in the low and wide glass, even experienced barmen pour more drink than into the tall and narrow one.

Limit alcohol

There are clearly situations when you cannot, and probably do not want to give up alcohol at a merry event. But alcohol blocks the ability of the brain to report satiety and hunger, and in large quantities completely destroys this mechanism, so be extremely careful. Nutritionists advise to do the following: an alcoholic drink, a glass of water, an alcoholic drink, two glasses of water, an alcoholic drink. Another way of limiting your alcohol consumption is to remind yourself that alcohol contains more calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein.

Drink green tea

Green tea is the most correct option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Some researchers suggest that it can temporarily activate the “calorie burning engine” due to the action of phytochemicals called catechins. In any case, you will get a delicious refreshing drink without a ton of calories.

Practice Yoga

According to studies published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, on average women who do yoga weigh less than those who engage in other sports. Scientists suggest that this can happen because yoga aims to harmonize not only the body, but also the thoughts. That is why people who practice yoga also practice meditation. This allows them to be more calm, effectively resisting stress and carefully approaching food.

Eat at home

Eat homemade foods at least five days a week. A survey conducted by Consumer Reports showed that this is one of the main habits of “successful weight loss”. In addition to the fact that you finally learn how to cook your favourite lasagna and pesto in your own kitchen, this approach has a lot of other bonuses. For example, significant savings and the ability to re-invent any dish for yourself. And of course, so you can control the amount of sugar, salt and fat consumed, which will benefit your waistline.

Take a break when eating

Most people have a natural “food break” – the moment when they put a fork or spoon on a plate for a couple of minutes. Watch out for this moment, as it means that you can stop eating there and then. Nutritionists say that this is a sign of fullness (but not overeating) of your stomach. And, unfortunately, almost all of us miss it.

Chew mint chewing gum

Chew a chewing gum without sugar with a strong minty flavour when you are craving a burger and French fries. Dinner after work, chatting at a party, watching TV or surfing the net – these are some dangerous scenarios for a thoughtless snack. Mint in the chewing gum interrupts most flavours so that “harmful” food will not be so attractive. Attention: this advice should only be used in extreme situations, so as not to provoke the production of gastric juice when you are hungry, and so as not to damage the digestive system.

Use a smaller plate

Professor Brian Wensink, as a result of a series of experiments, found that people eat more and eat more often when using large plates. Use a plate half the size of it and you will get rid of 100-200 calories per day and an extra 7-9 kilograms per year. It should be noted that the volunteers who took part in the food experiment did not feel hunger when using the smaller plate, and most of them simply did not notice it.

Eat small meals

The best habit of slim people, according to Consumer Reports, is that they eat a little, but often. In other words, five meals a day is the norm from which they retreat only in critical situations. You only think that this is difficult. After a week of eating frequently, you will not be able to do otherwise, as you will feel very comfortable.

Try the 80/20 rule

Many celebrities, among them the top model Gisele Bundchen, admit that they keep in shape and don’t avoid their favourite food by following the 80/20 rule. Its essence boils down to the fact that you should choose a convenient period (a day or a week), then make sure that 80% of the food during this time is healthy and 20% not as healthy, but incredibly tasty.

Order food correctly

Restaurant dishes are known to contain more calories and fat than you expect. So keep in mind several strategies of behaviour in the restaurant, which, as nutritionists say, will help you keep the portions under control: divide the dish with a friend, order a starter as a main course, choose something from the children’s menu or complement the main dish with a few leaves of a green salad rather than an entire salad.

Choose a red sauce

When choosing sauce for pasta or baked potatoes, stop on the red versions, it will be salsa, adzhika, bordelosis or red pesto. The fact is that sauces based on tomatoes, as a rule, contain fewer calories and much less fat than creamy and, especially, mayonnaise sauces. But remember that the size of the serving still matters.

Be vegetarian sometimes

The use of vegetarian dishes is an excellent habit for losing weight. No, no one is forcing you to give up meat completely, especially when you consider that it can be harmful to your health. However, today in every second burger and in every first Italian cafe you can find hamburgers with a bean or lentil cutlet a paste with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes, with the taste pleasantly surprising you.

Pamper yourself

When you learn to go without soda for at least five days out of seven or eat too many apple slices, and not chips, praise yourself. You were able to make a simple, but at the same time very difficult change in your life – tune in to proper nutrition. Now everything will be easier and easier. However, do not forget about food indulgences, which are necessary in order to reduce the risk of overeating to a minimum. Have a pedicure, buy a new dress or allow yourself a piece of cheesecake. Because psychological health and a positive attitude are almost more important for a healthy relationship with food than all of the above.


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Dr. Nagender Kumar :Urologist, Sex counselor